

Taiwan, North part.-Mountain of Xinchu . we drove car from Taipei for 6 hrs.

 (with 4H friends)



It's my home! 這是我家!

~It's Northern Norway.斯堪地那維亞~Scandinavia.

為什麼要寫這一篇呢? 好吧! 因為~
今天 跟老爸討論著他下下周要去南投竹?節分享竹筍種植經驗, 一起討論 powerpoint該怎麼做, 該怎麼介紹我們家?  給南投鄉親...

意外~在久久沒去碰觸的  老妹的電腦裡  發現了一些令人喚醒回憶的相片!

裡頭包含有  今年去挪威前夕  沒有睡覺整理的<華真的家人與朋友的照片>




所以, 就打算把照片PO上來啦! 看看過癮一下...

在這個政府可能會拆掉<大中至正>門的日子  痛斥政府的無知的日子 

把照片PO上來  用這個2007  來謝謝妳們的陪伴啦! ~這個可以是意外的紅利給妳們!  for sharing!

and yes! I'm proud of all of you!~hey! 台灣還是很美麗的~


Today I  just talked with my father. He's going to share a farming experience about our Bamboo.

We discussed how to make a powerpoint, what we're going to sharing our home.~

from collecting some photos from my sister's's long time I didn't touch those memory. ...until know, I feel so lovely. Because I meet all of you again. university classmate, my 4H friends, my family in Taiwan, my family in Norway...

and my friend in this company(Organic lifestyle magazine), my friends in Television Broadcasting system, my friends in Hess English....

Just touch my heart again.

so , here I'm going to share some photos about you. ...

They're  in Taiwan, in Norway. They're people from Taiwan, from Norway, from the world..

for you! before 2008, before Christmas!


2007年11月  司馬庫斯-四健會之一

Taiwan, North part.-Mountain of Xinchug . we drove car from Taipei for 6 hrs.

 (with 4H friends)

2007年11月  司馬庫斯-四健會之二

2007年11月  司馬庫斯-四健會之三

大家一起走了十多公里的路! 在這個離台北要六小時車程的部落

有人問頭目說: <為什麼你們要離我們那麼遠?>

頭目說: <不是我們離你們太遠, 是妳們怎麼離我們這麼遠?>

Here, we climed for over 6 hrs. over10 kilometers. It's so lovely place but it's so far.

People live here they're aborigines.  They're so beautiful in their own culture.

There's no either electric or  pipe water til 12 years ago.

It's very intelligent that when people from the city asked "Why you are so far from us?"

The ancient in the village said "Not why we're so far from you, it's why-you're so far from us!"




now. you can keep quiet and thinking.

What we're thinking maybe from "our own view" ?

有人說, 生命的智慧是需要時間來累積養成.

的確! 我很喜歡老人  我非常喜歡老人

如果有一天我老了  我也會喜歡我老了的樣子>~

Someone said..It needs time to accumulate people's wisdom. Maybe it's true.

I love elderly people. If there's some day I become old. I'll love what I'm be. 

If you're getting older and older. I'll love you more! ha!

十七世紀旅行家尼格理(Francesco Negri)一路奔波到挪威的北角(Nordkapp),寫下了這麼一段文字:「就在這兒,世界走到了盡頭,我的好奇心也到了盡頭,現在已經可以甘願回家去了 。

17 century when  traveller Francesco Negri arrived Nordkapp in Norway, he wrote....

~It's here.. the end of the world..when I walked here,  all of my curious just stop here.

Now it's time and it's OK to go home.~

不管飛多高, 多遠~美麗的, 就是因為有你們的"容顏"啦!!~

No matter how far it's, how high it's...It's beautiful cause of your  face!


Eastern Norway~one of my host family~Hilde's lovely  Toppen. 2006

with so beautiful garden.

street Eastern Norway ~2006

德國~堂妹宿舍~Germany~2007 with my cousin  2007

My University classmate~2007  beautiful girls~2007

below they're always not in our university class~famous 4 people !!ha!  2007

本班世界新聞大學  國際傳播組  民國88-92~翹課四天王!

They're my lovely grandmom and dad from North-Ireland.

We met this year in European IFYE Conference in Norway.

It's a fancy party ~ha!

他們是我親愛的北愛爾蘭的婆婆和爺爺  我們在今年在挪威舉行的歐洲的草根大使會議遇見!

這是一個炫酷派對! 哈!

He's from Scoltland. 從蘇格蘭來的草根!

She's from Austria. 從奧地利來的美人魚!~ (我的話就請別看了吧!~)

2007 Tysnes round~Western Norway.

One of my host family's traditional habit! (Meland family)

Everyear there's a rowing boat festival. We rowed the boat for 3 days. The last day we slept outside. It's the second time I join this activity. One's in 2006, one's in 2007.

Here we had 10 people rowed the boat together!

2007 Tysnes 小島-西挪威

我的其中一個接待家庭- Meland , 島上傳統的習慣

每年這裡有個划船慶典  我們划船3天  最後一天睡戶外島上

這是我第二次參加這活動 .第一次在2006年, 第二次在2007年.


It's Huachen in the 2007 European IFYE COnference in Norway.


Gerneny~On my way to Norway, I went to visit my soucin in Germeny this summer.

From Dusseldorf  took train to Marberg! 2007


從德國溪邊的Dusseldorf降落~搭火車去找他! (相片是堂妹幫忙拍的! 一開始搭接我啦!)

My sister on her music consert. 2007


my lovely family on my sister's music concert.我親愛的家人, 在我妹妹的音樂會2007

噹噹噹噹 還有這張囉!讚!4H friends~went drinking!~ha!

for what? you guess!



算了  你們也不是第一天認識我~我就先不傳了~明天再繼續

這段我就不翻英文了~  哈!

下面給一張漂亮的風景~below It's the tail of Taiwan...On the way to Tailand-Germeny-Norway!  2007

這是台灣尾 在我去泰國-德國-挪威的途中 2007.




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